Tag Archives: bad odors

  • Same great product, new consumer pack

    Say Hello to our new consumer pack for our unique and popular odor protection!  

  • Can We Smell 10 Basic Smells? Yes We Can!

    How much do you know about the different smells that you can sense? As there are different groups for color palettes and tastes, researchers have recently concluded there are 10 basic groups of smells. You can imagine that it’s hard to create these groups, as there are so many different smells and odors that are …

  • Get to know NOSA!

    Have you heard about the story behind NOSA plugs?  It all started off with the problem of being exposed to bad odors in several working environments. Our Swedish founder, Susanna Bergstrand, asked herself how we could solve this problem for you? As she already worked within health care and were exposed to these odors herself, …

  • Exhibition time in Germany!

     NOSA visits Bremen… NOSA loves to visit fairs and to increase the knowledge and awareness about our odor protection. Several times a year we visit fairs in different countries to show our innovation to future users of NOSA plugs. Some of you out there have already tried NOSA plugs, while some of you are new …

  • Spring is finally here, but what about the smells?

      We all love the sound of spring… Are you also exposed to a lot of new and different smells during spring? We know, it’s a shame. At the same time, this is the most beautiful time of the year when everything comes to live, right? We would like to give you a golden tip! …

  • So… Where Is NOSA Heading?

      From Stockholm to USA NOSA started its journey in Stockholm, Sweden in 2015. Since then we have had a rapid development both in Sweden and abroad. We thought it might be fun to inform you about where we are now and where we are heading. Year to date, we have launched NOSA plugs in …

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