Protect yourself against harmful airborne particles and stay safe with NOSA smog filter! We are so happy to introduce this revolutionary product that protects you against harmful particles like smog, bacteria and smoke. The innovative nose filter efficiently blocks out harmful particles while breathing through the product.
NEW NOSA smog filter
Air pollution intensifies the pandemic
As smog season in Asia begins, the second wave of Covid-19 and the bad air quality could make the situation worse. Breathing polluted air can have a dramatic effect on the immune system and the respiratory tract. Harmful airborne particles also known as PM 2.5 penetrate into the body and affect the epithelial cells in …
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Coming soon…
NOSA NEWS 2020 We have something to tell you. The NOSA team is going to launch two new products next year! We have developed these products for several years and soon it’s finally time to reveal the products to you which we are really excited about and hopefully you will enjoy them as much as …