Announcement from FRISQ’s extra general meeting; and information on allotment of all shares in directed share issue

The extra general meeting in Frisq Holding AB (publ) ("FRISQ" or the "Company") was held today on 4 November 2020 and the following resolutions were passed by the shareholders.

Approval of the board's resolution of a directed share issue
The extra general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board's proposal, to approve the board's resolution of a share issue of a maximum of 15,750,000 shares with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights at a subscription price of SEK 5.00 per share.

Through the share issue, the number of shares and votes in the Company increases by 15,750,000, from 32,204,773 shares and votes to 47,954,773 shares and votes and the share capital increases by SEK 787,500.00, from SEK 1,610,238.65 to SEK 2,397,738.65. The share issue entails a dilution of approximately 32.84 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company based on the number of shares and votes following completion of the share issue.

The purposes of the share issue and the reasons for deviating from the shareholders' preferential rights are that it is considered favourable for the Company and its shareholders to use the opportunity to raise capital to the Company in a time- and cost-efficient manner and at favourable terms and to secure the Company's ability to achieve its market potential during 2021. All shares have been subscribed for and today the board of directors allotted all shares to the subscribers.

Changes to the composition of the board of directors
The extra general meeting resolved that the board of directors shall consist of four members following Anna Frick’s earlier resignation from the board of directors and since Åke Hallman notified the board that he resigns from the board following the extra general meeting. Mats Lindstrand, Lars Björk, Göran Hägglund and Per-Egon Johansson remains as directors of the board following the extra general meeting.

For further information, please contact:
George Thaw, CEO, FRISQ

Mats Lindstrand, chairman, FRISQ

The healthtech company FRISQ develops globally scalable digital solutions for interactive communication between different actors in the care chain. FRISQ has been listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm since 2016 under the short name "FRISQ". FNCA Sweden AB is FRISQ's Certified Adviser and can be reached at:
+46 (0) 8 528 00 399,
For additional information, please visit

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