Tag Archives: Stockholm

  • NOSA Team Interview Serie #1

    Meet NOSA’s Marketing and Sales Director – Susanne We thought it would be fun to have a team interview serie, where you get to know the NOSA team even better and learn about how everything works at NOSA in Stockholm 🙂 In total, we are six team members and you will get to know everyone! …

  • Back to business!

    @NOSAHQ The NOSA-team is back at the office in Stockholm and we are very excited for the upcoming fall! We hope that your summer was great? Our summer was amazing and contained everything from swimming in the ocean, sunbathing on the beach or the archipelago cliffs and of course a lot of ice cream 🙂 …

  • Research in bad smells

    EMWA CONFERENCE 2019 Last week it was the EMWA conference in Gothenburg, Sweden. This conference is about wound management, which gathers thousands of people in the health care industry. It is the largest wound care conference worldwide and it covers the latest findings in the area from several researchers. Were any of you at the …

  • Get to know NOSA!

    Have you heard about the story behind NOSA plugs?  It all started off with the problem of being exposed to bad odors in several working environments. Our Swedish founder, Susanna Bergstrand, asked herself how we could solve this problem for you? As she already worked within health care and were exposed to these odors herself, …

  • So… Where Is NOSA Heading?

      From Stockholm to USA NOSA started its journey in Stockholm, Sweden in 2015. Since then we have had a rapid development both in Sweden and abroad. We thought it might be fun to inform you about where we are now and where we are heading. Year to date, we have launched NOSA plugs in …

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